C7 Update Log 6-23-2024

Hello!   Below are the patch notes for version 1 update release.

June 23, 2024 Update V1

  1. Fixed issue where running over a NOS bottle and releasing W would result in speed dropping to under set defaults
  2. Fixed pause menu issue.  Now players will have a Resume button visible on screen instead of just hitting P
  3. Fixed issue where previously spawned objects would not be properly removed. 
  4. Changed behavior of AI cars and spawning of said cars.  Now they have a tendency to crash into each other and spin out.  As well as go different speeds. 
  5. Fixed issue with score not showing up on screen unless game was placed in full screen mode. 
  6. Removed a few of the AI cars from the object pool and prevented them from spawning as these were causing performance issues
  7. Miscellaneous bug fixes and optimizations to improve game performance.

There are still a lot of things to do

  1.  Fix issue where AI will spawn off-road 
  2.  Add a background under and to the side of the road.  
  3. Refine AI Car spawning so that they are less likely to spawn in on each other.  

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